
An introduction to this website and the Revealing Histories project

Revealing Histories is a partnership of eight museums and galleries in Greater Manchester. We came together in 2007 to commemorate the bicentenary of the abolition of the British slave trade in 1807 and to explore the legacy of slavery in our collections, in our communities and in our region.

Click About us to find out more about Revealing Histories.

This website is one of the legacies of the 2007 Revealing Histories project.

It takes all of the content researched and generated in museums and in the communities and presents it under a number of themes:

In each of these themes you can find objects from the museums, articles reflecting a range of views, information on related people and places, and videos filmed at events in Greater Manchester.


There are dedicated Learning pages for teachers and pupils covering History and Citizenship at Key Stage 3 and 4.


The site aims to be accessible to all. Please see our policies pages for help and support.

If you need any more help then do contact us.